Just a few FYIs...
- I use a ton of pepper!
- I put spinach into so many things that you would not do so traditionally. Most everything that is in casserole form that gets baked gets a healthy addition of my green friend. It has no flavor and is an excellent source of nutrition so why not? It also goes into my smoothies and tomatoes.
- When using tomatoes combine with olive oil. This makes the nutrients (specifically Lycopene) in the tomato more readily absorbable by your body which has trouble on its own. Lycopene is a carotene that helps prevent against cancers. Similarly, corn and beans should be eaten together if possible. Actually, to save your eyes from the computer screen look for a book on food nutrients that are best absorbed when combined with something else!
- Tomatoes in an aluminum can are not god for you - even organic. There is something in the metal that causes a reaction with the tomato that is harmful in large doses to the body. Just FYI. Canned tomatoes in a jar are fine though!
- Buy organic potatoes at all times. Seriously. Potato farmers do not eat the potatoes they sell to the general public - they have their own plot and different soil and different farming practices for their potatoes. A farmer that does not eat their own product should tell you something.
- Almost all of my food is organic. I do not point out on the recipes that I use organic tomatoes, but I buy almost everything organic. Anything with a skin that you eat, buy organic. You can feel free to leave the over-priced organic cantaloupe, pinas, and avocado on the shelf!
- In addition to the majority of my food being organic, I do not ever store vegetables or fruits in a can. I buy fresh veggies and fruits. In the rare events that I do buy veggies that are not fresh - things like fruit for smoothies, corn and peas, etc. I buy frozen. Freezing food preserves their nutrients whereas canning food completely strips them of their nutrients (some are added back in at the processors but this exposes your body to a whole slew of other things you do not need). Generally, I have (organic) frozen blueberries and strawberries, corn, peas, butternut squash, pearl onions (to throw into soups as these are incredibly annoying to peel).
- When I say salt, I mean Kosher salt (the only kind you should cook en masse with) or freshly ground sea salt. Add or subtract everything to your taste!
- USE REAL BUTTER. When I call for butter, I mean butter - fat, lard, yellow, perfect BUTTER. Your body does not now what to do with the other crap. It tastes worse and you may die of heart disease sooner. Side note - try to avoid any "tampered foods." Butter will only make you fat if you are eating a half stick a day and you certainly will not get heart disease from the half tablespoon it takes to round out a sauce. You may, however, get any number of health issues from fake butters. The latter is more liklely. Eat well, in small portions - bottom line is your body knows what to do with butter, masquerade it and you will get a drag queen - your body won't know what to do and it may hurt (no offense to drag queens - Be who you are!).
- I am not precise - I probably add more of almost everything (except salt) in my recipes because I like the flavor of it - I am going entirely off of memory and I do not measure along the way. Basically, you are getting a ballpark which is why it is important to trust your palate and increase or decrease amounts according to your tastes.
- I use an insane amount of shallots - like insane. I hardly ever use regular onions. Shallots are sweeter and less oniony than onions and I am addicted to them.
- Shallots and scallions are not the same thing. Chives and Scallions are not the same thing. They are all wonderful and they are all different.
- I have quite a pantry that has been stocked from various specialty stores - so you may not have the ingredients I list. If you have any questions on how to get anything let me know.
- As much as I want to say I will, I probably will not give you brand names for much - I seriously do not pay much attention and just throw stuff in a pan so I forget easily. Except Ginger People. I love Ginger People.
- I always use Holland House Marsala - not sure why but it is my favorite even after trying more expensive marsalas.
- I like all my food to have some spice (much to my English father's dismay) so red pepper flakes get used like salt.
- My dad thinks I use too much Cilantro, but it simply is not true. But I have found out how to incorporate cilantro into pizza - life is now complete.
- I buy things like rice and spices in bulk. It is cheaper (exceptionally cheaper in the case of spices). For a while CM and WF were the only places you could do this - you can now do it at bigger HEBs though I spend my paychecks at CM, WF and farmer's markets- very rarely to I go to another store besides those. And if I do, I usually complain about it.
More to come....